Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We covet that which we know

It's easy to understand that people are turning towards hard assetts durring hard times. Whats interesting is the uneven distrubution of requested information reguaring those assets across the world.

According to Google Trends, the search terms "gold price" and "silver price" are most commonly searched for by the Middle East, India and the Asia.

Interesting to see who is requesting information from a global perspective.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Social Media is having it's own 2.0 Moment.

With Google+ inconveniently hitting the dance floor like a confident nerd with some new moves, I feel we have moved into Social Media's 2.0 Moment - or "Group Awakening."

Now technically, Google doesn't even have to "win." We all win as it forces the hand of social medial into a natural small group comunication format. (Note to self. Get Masters degree in Small Group Communication. Yes it exists, will be a hot ticket.)

I've personally witnessed Facebook's relaunching of its "groups" and I'm not that impressed with it's "rushed effort." It lacked education for "transitioning communication ." Google has been good at launching new products. This will be an interesting turn.

Fast forward three years and they decide to split the the holly grail as there is enough revenue to go around. Just saying.