Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pop Culture Mirrors Business in this Fourth Turn

As pop culture keeps spitting out trash - reality TV, News Programing etc., big business seems to follow suit. Its been said that banks have taken their bailout money and using it to place bigger bets on derivatives this summer.

Materialism and greed has picked up right where it left off, like a crack addict resumed its debauchery after springing from a fall and winter rehab.

This is how I know we haven't turned yet. Pop Culture will shift to a much more aware and conscience theme as the economic events put a strain on life as we know it.

But I believe the turn is coming soon.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Its Been a While

since I last updated what I believed to be "the turn" in toady's society.  Blog writing is another form of, well.....writing all the time.  Yet our society pretends to make the blog this mystical creature we've never seen before.  Its an open digital diary.  Get used to it.  Just like Twitter's output in this format is not proportional to its hype.  We as a culture suffer many little turns as we collectively over blow the concept.  

The other reason is that I've been caught up in up trend in the market.  Bear market rally, Wave 2 "nothing goes straight down" uplift in stocks and commods.  CNBC was pissing me off with their "its going to be rosy" drum line so much that I stopped listing to them a month ago and, shockingly, I don't miss them.  My financial news is now totally online.  I don't even pick up a paper at the airport because it was written yesterday.  

But I stopped writing because I looked at the market and I stopped looking at society.  Got caught up trying to turn a "short-side buck" that I stopped listening to what was going on outside the Financial establishment.  Green shoots seemed to supersede job loss and his alcoholic  brother, foreclosure .  Not to mention, just listening to what people were saying.  The concern, stress and collective consciousness of discussing the car wreck, and projecting on other things we mind find down the road.

So there.  That's why.  The first step is recognising the problem and if you don't mind, this is my first "turn."  It feels good to be writing.     

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The D Word

I'm hearing it more often in the media now. At first it was "Are we in a recession?", "We must be in a recession" transitioning to an official "We've been in a recession for a couple of quarters now."

Now it appears that I seeing building momentum for the word depression. Yesterday Prime Minister Gordon Brown apparently "slipped" and used the word depression. The mere fact that he slipped brought the introduction and curiosity to a word and its social timing. Was it a slip? His intentions do not matter, as it had already been given judgment in the public's mental court.

Today Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig said " “We’re in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. No one seems to know where this is headed. Obviously, I’m very concerned. … I’ve lived through a lot of economic recessions in my day. I’ve never seen anything like this. And neither has anybody else.” Bud's not saying were in a depression but is that's not really the point. The word "Depression" is getting more airplay and eventually it to will become accepted nomenclature.

Paying attention to how a society uses language is a better prediction than cheeleaders on CNBC. Pay attention to the2urn.